Fredi goes on holiday

Fredi goes on holiday

Friday, March 5, 2010


Sihanoukville is an ancient French beach resort in the south of Cambodia. Here are some nice beaches (the best one's of this country) with a lot of bars and restaurants, that's also the only thing to do here (relaxing, swimming, drinking and eating).
Today we went on a trip to the Ream National Park to see the mangrove wood and of course swimming on a beach there.
It's our last day in Cambodia, tomorrow we are continuing to Vietnam and the first stop is planed somewhere in the Mekong Delta before going to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

1. + 2. Beaches in Sihanoukville
3. - 7. Ream National Park


  1. Quina enveja!!
    Aquí disfrutem d'uns dies de pluja molt interesants que ens permeten descobrir com n'esta de relacionat l'estat d'ànim de les persones amb el temps que fa. A la que hi ha solete estem tots happys i riallers i quan el temps s'"enuvola" el caràcter es torna gris..
    Disfrute-ho al màxim guapis!

  2. PD: St Medir plujós! No hi vaig anar pq es va passar el dia plovent..

  3. PD 2: On es en Fredy? Q poder no l'heu banyat al mar amb el manglars??
